Friday, February 24, 2012

New Music

I was surfing YouTube today, mostly listening to the amazing Skrillex, when I decided to check out Deadmau5. I had never heard them before, but I saw the logo everywhere. So I listened to the song "Maths", and let me tell you, I am now a Deadmau5 addict. Can't get enough of them (even as I'm writing this, I'm listening to "Strobe". But I'm extremely angry at YouTube, as they have placed a Far Cry 3 ad right in the middle of the song - though I will admit, it looks like an awesome game). So the whole point to my rambling is that if you haven't already heard Deadmau5 (or Skrillex), I highly recommend going on YouTube right now and listening to a few of their songs. My personal favorites are:
Maths - Deadmau5
Strobe - Deadmau5
Kyoto - Skrillex ft. Sirah
First of the Year (Equinox) - Skrillex
Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites - Skrillex
Bangarang - Skrillex ft. Sirah
Derp - Deadmau5
Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Book Review #2 - Nightshade

Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

Summary (On back of book):
She risked her life to save his, believing she would never see him again. But he has returned, challenging her destiny as Alpha wolf, leaving her doubting her past and fearing her future...

This book is actually one of my favorites. She began by emerging straight into some action, interesting you from the get-go. It's not too much, but it keeps you reading, enough for her to set up the story and its characters without boring you. Once she has everything out on the table, she starts to form her story line, consisting of whether she is fighting on the right side, as well as an awesome love triangle between her betrothed and a human.

Bottom Line: Read it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Book Review #1 - Abandon

Geez, I haven't blogged in forever. Well I'm back now! I decided to use my blog as a book review instead of going on Goodreads or a bookstore website. I might still review on those as well, but I think I would much rather use my blog, instead of a website that will limit how much I can write. I may even do book reviews on Youtube. So this is my shot at a book review. If anybody is reading this, tell me how I did!

#1. Abandon by Meg Cabot
I really enjoyed this book. Its set on a small island called Isla Huesos, following a seventeen year-old girl who died. In the "Underworld" (I'm not so sure that was the Underworld, but it will have to do) she meets a guy named John, who tells her she has died and that she is to stay with him. She doesn't react well to that, and ends up running through a door that takes her back to her body. Then her story continues with a series of other events having to do with the fact that she died and met John.
The first few pages are a little slow, but once you get past that, you won't be able to put it down. I especially liked how Meg left every character a mystery except for the main character (Pierce) an her grandmother.
All in all, the book was awesome. I would recommend it to anyone who likes Greek Mythology (the book was inspired by the myth of Hades and Persephone). It is definitely in my favorites.   

Monday, September 12, 2011


Hello, fellow bloggers!

I decided to start blogging so I could get my writing out in the open, and I thought "While I'm at it, I might as well post thoughts and ideas." So that is what I'm doing. My pen name, "Ellie", is actually a nickname for my middle name, Elise. Any other questions you have, just ask.

Another thing: Don't hate. It's really un-awesome. If you want to post your opinion on my writing, make it polite and tell me how I can make it better. I love to hear from my readers, good or bad. And if its on one of my ideas (aka stupid thought, ramble, etc.) I would like to hear that as well. It's so fascinating to see how other people think, and I really enjoy other's opinions and thoughts.

I really hope that this blog kicks off!

Ellie xo